”What if I fail… is a thought many struggle with, usually thinking of the worst case scenario. ”What if… you are successful?” I usually reply to redirect the mind from what it is programmed to think.
With several years of experience as a life and career coach as well as working in marketing departments in larger commercial companies (Unilever, Philips, Arla Foods) I combine this expertise to help people or companies to break free from mental borders and take the next step or find direction to what is meaningful and valuable to them.
I work with communication – both for brands and personal brands. As we live in a ”communication era” it’s vital to have clear and the right communication targeted to the right people. I am trained at both Berghs School of communication and Poppius, journalism school and with many years of work experience.
I also run Business Women Sverige – networking and employer branding business for talented women. A community with 3000 members.
Previously I owned and managed The Loft coworking space in Stockholm. I sold the company in 2021.
I have been a keynote speaker at: Jusek, Go Friendly, Holländska Handelskammaren, Marknadsakademin, Start-up Stockholm, TRR and is registered at Talking Minds.
Lectures offered:
”Your personal brand – what is it and how can you use it? We all have one. Today and going forward it’s even more important to be aware of yours as we are all creating our own personal brands through social media. And we don’t own it so be aware of how you are perceived.
”How to network successfully”
”Introduction to entrepreneurship – how to get started”
”Your personal brand VS your company brand, where, or can you, draw the line?
”In the mind of a recruiter, how to maximize your job search process”
Book through: charlotta.lundin@gmail.com or call +46739822277
Said about me:
”Charlotta Lundin helped me with my self esteem but also the hands on things, such as resume, portfolio and interview training which led me to my next job. /M Beyhan
”With the help of Charlotta, I cleared my thoughts and actually took the step to sell my company which has brought on new great opportunities, without the help of Charlotta, I would not have taken that step” /M Björnström
It has been great to work with Charlotta and I and the other colleagues in the HR team will really miss her. Charlotta is very dedicated! She will also be missed in the organisation for her great personality and her excellence in helping line managers in their leadership roles. I give Charlotta my best recommendations. / Carl Esselin, Head of HR, Business Sweden
Contact details:
Don’t hesitate to contact me, you reach me on: